Most Popular Working Dogs in the UK

Most Popular Working Dogs in the UK

We are a nation of dog lovers in this country. Not only do they hold the title of man's best friend, but they have also become a part of our lives in several aspects, whether that's as part of the family or a fulfilling a job or service. The Kennel Cl ...

What UK Dogs are Easy to Train

What UK Dogs are Easy to Train?

Trainability is one of the most important considerations when choosing a pet dog. It’s commonly forgotten due to the focus on cuteness when choosing a puppy or rehoming a dog; many of us are blinded by big eyes and adorable faces. But finding easy to ...

How to Help Cats on Bonfire Night

How to Help Cats on Bonfire Night

Bonfire night is often a colourful and entertaining evening, but it can be stressful; loud noises, bright flashes of light, and the smell of smoke can cause anxiety and even fear for some. A lot of the time, all of these aspects of fireworks can be even ...

Can I Bury My Dog in My Garden

Can I Bury My Dog in My Garden?

The death of a beloved pet is one of the toughest aspects of pet ownership, whether they died at home or were put to sleep at the vet's clinic. It almost seems unfair, how short their lives are compared to people. And it's like losing a family member or ...

Most Common Cat Breeds in the UK

Most Common Cat Breeds in the UK

Like many of our other favourite pets, cats come in all shapes and sizes - large and small, fluffy and smooth. For some, cats might come second to dogs, but this shouldn't be the case. Cats make great companions! And, with so much variety in cat breed ...

14 Best Hypoallergenic Dog Breeds in the UK

14 Best Hypoallergenic Dog Breeds in the UK

Many of us dream of owning a dog. They are the perfect excuse to get out and explore the great outdoors, but they also provide plenty of opportunities to lounge on the sofa cuddling for hours on end. But for some pet lovers, the dog-owning dream hits ...

Are There Poisonous Plants for Dogs in the UK

Are There Poisonous Plants for Dogs in the UK?

Gardens or parks are often safe places for dogs to have fun. These spaces are perfect for running around and exercising your dog, allowing them to sniff and explore to its heart's content. But gardens and parks have some risks, not just the obvious on ...

What Banned Dogs are Illegal in the UK

What Banned Dogs are Illegal in the UK?

As part of the Protection of Animals Act (1911), animal fighting was outlawed. This means activities, such as badger and bear baiting, cockfighting, as well as dog fighting, were made illegal. Unfortunately, this did not successfully work to wipe out the ...

10 Large Cat Breeds in the UK

10 Large Cat Breeds in the UK

Kittens are adorable, but there's nothing quite like cuddling a fluffy cat that rivals a dog in size. It might even feel like owning your very own tiger with how big some cats can grow. With large ears and even bigger paws, these cats have so much more l ...

Do Dogs Need Coats During Winter in the UK?

Do Dogs Need Coats During Winter in the UK?

Just like people, dogs can feel the cold, too. We can bundle up and wear several layers, but dogs can't pull on several jumpers to keep warm. So, you might be wondering, "do dogs need coats during winter in the UK?" The answer is yes. Quick Answer ...